Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Let's go with some TV this time..

Has anybody ever watched the show on HBO called Entourage? Aside from the show being one of my favorites have you ever thought about a lot of the concepts talked about in this class applying to it?

There are so many hidden themes. Most of it is an over-exaggeration of the LA/limelight scene. BUT there are a lot of things said, mostly by Ari Gold, that remind me of how people are looked upon. You have to act a certain way, dress a certain way, LOOK A CERTAIN WAY!.

I guess that's the way it is in showbusiness, or is it? Is it telling us more about how we view celebrities and in turn... how we then view ourselves and the expectations of ourselves and others.


  1. Entrouage sort of acts as saterical social commentary at times. It emphasizes the superficial nature that we hold ever so dear in this country. Pherpas this depicition is a little exagerated, but they to point out the lunacy in it all. There is an episode in which the charachter Turtle buys a pair of pajamas that cost $4000, because they are from some famous designer. It just illustrates the lengths some will go to just to appear to be relevant and trendy, whatever that means.

  2. yeah entourage is probably my favorite show but i definately know what your sayin. that show demonstrates exactly what, why, and how we should act. not to mention ari gold's constant bashing of his asian assistant Lyod.
