Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Just a walk in the park..

If you live on the campus of Bridgewater State College you notice it, and even if you're a commuter you notice it too. This campus is VERY heavily populated to the white upper middle class. You really have to sit outside for a while and look for someone outside of this category.. not something to be proud of if you ask me!


  1. If you can stand me being terrible... Stand outside the RCC when a CMA event gets out... You will meet your quota of black people. The CMA (Center for Multicultural Affairs) groups are so small but AMAZING! All thier events are hits and have record attendance. Unfortuanatly, I feel like they gear thier events more towards the minority groups and I think the white population doesn't feel as welcome or comfortable, for the most part... which is unfortunate because everyone is always welcome to all campus events. And another thing, notice the BSC homepage. Whenever the description is "diversity" it's a picture of some black person... I think that is VERY wrong bc being diverse doesn't just mean skin color. I feel like BSC is saying, "Hey, look!! We have a black person... All you other black people would fit right in." Okay, so I'm strange but I know I'm not the only one who thinks like that.

  2. I realize that you can tell by looking at someone what race they belong to, but how can you tell what class they belong to? There could be people from lower classes who dress differently from other people of their economic class, I know a couple in fact. But then again this begs the question is their really a stereotypical style for each economic classes? Are the upper classes supposed to walk around in polos? I myself occassionally wear polos and I am from a white lower middle class family. I am not trying to rag on you in anyway I am simply just trying to point out the fact that you really can't know simply by looking.

  3. I think you misunderstood me. I did not say that I could tell that people walking around at BSC are a certain class by look. I just made the comment that it is the majority, and I am sure if you ran a poll you would see that is the case.

    There is a difference between making observations and being bias in my opinion!
