Friday, October 16, 2009

comm careers panel

this week I went to the panel of recent comm major grads, they were discussing careers once you graduate. One of the panelists spoke about how he works in Best Buy in a diverse area. He is a manager and realized that there was a language and culture barrier between some of the asian cultures and they were having trouble with helping them.

he told us that they went out and specifically hired asian employees and went from 0-17 in a matter of a few months. this is amazing to me. sure, they have a better way to commumnicate with asian customers, but what about all the other people that came in to apply that were not asian? they were probably turned away because they were going after a specific market of employee.

this is commonplace in business, and I am aware of that, but still disturbing.


  1. Hmmm I really didn't think this was all that commonplace in business. Especially with all businesses being "Equal Opportunity Employers" and such. I think that is pretty messed up, that because they needed to communicate to a certain demographic of customers they hired not 2 or 3 but 17!! Asian employees... that's crazy.

  2. I think they had good intentions but this practice isn't very American, for lack of a better word. I don't think that going out and hiring a specific race should be the route that any company takes. People should be hired on their credentials, work ethic, and references. I am a staunch believer that race really should not have any bearing on employment, one way or another.
